Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Mini Habits Day 14

1. I am thankful for my ability to get a doctor's appointment when my sore throat could not wait for down time.

2. I worked out by tossing my niece and nephew into the air and helping them do gymnastic twists and turns.

3. I feel very lucky to have gotten to spend almost an hour at an environmental photography workshop this morning.  The scholars shared some of their techniques and perspectives for capturing images that not only amaze but also engage and change behavior related to the environment.  It was exceptionally interesting.

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Mini Habits Day 13

1. I am thankful for the visit of my sister and her kids, who are helping me to see new parts of Brunei.

2. I worked out by running for hours and hours after my niece and nephew.

3. We went to Jubilee Park and had lots of fun playing on the really fun playground equipment.  The park has lots of fun things to do and see.  It would be great if the adult exercise equipment was not broken.  Brunei is very good at building new things but seems not to make the same effort to maintain things.  That is sad.

Friday, April 25, 2014

Mini Habits Day 12

1. Be thankful- I am thankful that I can forgive myself for missing a day yesterday, and can pick up where I left off without guilt.

2. Workout- 20 min on the elliptical and 10 minutes of weight training

3. Blog- This morning I celebrated Anzac day at Muara Beach.  The early morning was a mess of rain and lightening, which ended just in time for the moving ceremony to begin.  The marching soldiers, poems, speeches, wreaths, flags and images of memorial always make me a puddle of tears, and today was no exception.  Remembering those who have gone before so that we may enjoy freedom and safety.  Thank you.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Mini Habits Day 11

1. Be thankful- I am thankful for the amazing assistance of Ping.  I really appreciate how great she is with keeping me organized and sane and how much she makes me laugh and smile.  I am very lucky to have her.

2. Workout- I did 15 minutes of elliptical and some weight lifting.

3. Blog- Tonight is the last night I will have without plans or houseguests for the next three weeks, and I reveled in my ability to relax and do nothing but read a trashy novel tonight.  I am very much looking forward to having my family and friends visit me, and I will love every minute they are here, however I also really enjoyed my time home this evening.  Let the crazy fun begin.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Mini Habits Day 10

1. Be thankful- I am thankful that I was able to remain fully engaged in meaningful work all day today and therefore the lack of sleep last night did not dramatically decrease my productivity.

2. Exercise- I am going to count the walking to and from the many places I went today as my 1 minute of exercise. 

3. Blog- Today I went to buy diapers, wipes and pull ups for my soon to be visiting niece and nephew.  I realized I know nothing about choosing these things.  I ended up going by brand recognition for the diapers, preference for no fragrance for the wipes and had not real criteria for selecting the pull-ups.  In fact I am not even sure they are actually pull ups, though the animated cartoon photo was the most similar one to pull ups.  Fingers crossed I got the correct stuff.

Monday, April 21, 2014

Mini Habits Day 9

1. Be thankful- I am thankful for the great success of today's Intellectual Property Event.

2. Workout-  I managed to get in 15 minutes of elliptical before I left for the office super early this morning.

3. Blog- Today was a great day at the office.  An idea that was just a minor twinkle in the eye of a team member only a month ago came together to be a smashing success.  The topics addressed, the strength and energy of the panels, the discussions, the speakers....all of it was a worthwhile conversation for the participants and audience alike.  Brunei really has it going on and has the potential to really bring it all together for economic innovation and creative entrepreneurship.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Mini Habits Day 8

1. Be thankful- Today I am thankful for having had some time to decompress.

2. Workout- I had a great 30 minute elliptical workout and 15 minutes of weight training.

3. Blog- Decompression is something that I am not very good at, but I am getting better at embracing it when it is available to me.  Today I enjoyed making meatloaf, starting a book, catching up on newspaper reading, filling eggs for the party next weekend, starting the list of things I need to buy while on leave, practicing for tomorrow's IP event, doing some shopping errands and generally just breathing deeply and enjoying the time that was at my disposal.  It was a great day.

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Mini Habits Day 7

1. Be thankful- Today I am thankful for my family and the ability to video Skype and audio communicate with them regularly.  The children are growing up so quickly, and I appreciate that they still have time to talk to me and share news and information about their days and interests.

2. Workout- I did a 30 minute elliptical workout, and then spent another 15 minutes working on my elliptical machine so that it will continue to function.

3. Blog- I was really pleased today to get approval for my summer PCS travel this morning, but must admit that it left a bad taste in my mouth the way it all had to happen.  Why did it have to be so stressful and why did people in the department have to be so mean in the process.  I realize that everyone has good and bad days, and that may impact a person's ability to be customer service helpful, but I feel like we owe it to our customers to put that aside and be as open and kind as the rules allow us to be.  Hiding behind rules or laziness about how to help people is not effective in the short or long or karmic term.

Friday, April 18, 2014

Mini Habits Day 6

1. Be thankful- I am thankful for my colleagues and the absolutely delicious treats that were shared this afternoon for our April Appetizer event.  Yum yum.

2. I worked out for 30 minutes before work today.

3. Blog- Thank goodness it is Friday.  It was a long week, with its highs and lows.  Today I learned something about pushback, and the fact that effectively communicated dissent can be effective.  I also learned something about compromise, and that perspectives really do differ even when the exact same things are experienced and heard.  I am happy, though, that this week is over.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Mini Habits Day 5

1. Be thankful for one thing- I am thankful for the wonderful life of my brother-in-law's grandmother who departed this world today.  She created a family who made my brother-in-law the good person he is.

2.  Cardio or weight lifting for 1 minute- I did 35 squats for 65 seconds.  
3. Blog 25 words per day- I really appreciate the great feedback and help I have received from my friends during this evaluation season.  Writing is something that benefits from multiple sets of eyes, ideas and different perspectives.  While the evaluation time is always a logistics challenge, thanks to the crap technology we are forced to use for documenting our evaluations, I did not struggle for content.  This year I had so many things to write about that filling the pages was simple, but honing it into a coherent story that explained why I can do cartwheels on water so the promotion boards will look favorably on me was harder.  Much harder.  I think I am almost there though, and thus, another evaluation season might soon come to a successful end. 

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Mini Habits Day 4

1. Be thankful for one thing- I am thankful for the open, respectful and engaged conversation that my team facilitated for American citizens today regarding the implementation of the Sharia Penal Code.

2. Cardio or weight lifting for 1 minute- I did a great combination of weightlifting and cardio for a total of 25 minutes.

3. Blog 25 words per day- Today I am going to ponder about the necessity of adjusting the rules when it makes common sense to do so and is not illegal, unethical or immoral.  Two examples today that I can ponder on.  This blog and my mini habits effort is my positive first example.  On day one, I set the order, and blogging was item #3.  However, I realized today that to continue to say "see below" made no sense, when a simple adjustment, reversing items 2 and 3, would allow this blog to make more sense and flow better.  I made the change and will surge forward with something that makes better sense. 

My second example is less positive.  Six months ago I started the process of coordinating my permanent change of station.  Today I found out that one item that was key to my scheduling- having my consultations and training before my home leave- was ignored and dismissed without the question actually being asked.  Therefore, because of the laziness or lack of attention of my previous orders processor, I am not entitled to a schedule that makes sense, costs the US government no more than a traditional routing and allows me to gain the training I need in order to be effective in my next position.  My organization claims verbally and in writing that it cares about us and it cares about leadership development.  However it never lives up to what it claims, making it a very hollow claim and one that is getting harder and harder to tolerate.  So now, I will try to make the case, so much later in the process, after everyone has already had to work on the orders and the process, so that we all have to waste our time redoing everything that could have been done right the first time.  Wonderful, efficient bureaucracy that clearly cares.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Mini Habits Day 3

Mini habits update:

1. Be thankful for one thing- I am thankful for the small world coincidence that reconnected me with a friend from my Japan days that I lost touch with long before email addresses and Facebook became the norm in keeping in touch. Super excited to catch up with him again.

2. Blog 25 words per day- See below.

3. Cardio or weight lifting for 1 minute- I woke up on time and energized after a great night sleep and worked out very effectively first thing in the morning.  It was awesome.

Work-life balance is a concept that has been plaguing me lately.  No matter how much I try to catch up at work, I feel like I get further and further behind.  I am not a slow worker, in fact most of my bosses have considered me quiet effective and efficient.  However I am questioning whether the leaders of my organization have a realistic expectation of what can be achieved by those who labor for them.  How to implement a system that gives those leaders feedback about the difference between what "must" be done and what is "nice to do."  Because burnout is neither nice nor efficient and things have to change.

Monday, April 14, 2014

Mini Habits Day 2

First a review of my mini habit progress:

1.       Be thankful for one thing-
I am thankful for the fun friends I have around the world.  Today a friend received a gift I sent him, and enjoyed the humor in it so much that he posted a funny note on Facebook about it. 

2.       Blog 25 words per day- See below.

3.       Cardio or weight lifting for 1 minute-

I was not awake early enough to work out this morning, thanks to a mid-night period of awakeness, but I still managed to get a mini workout in tonight and check off my goal.  I did 1 minute of squats, which is a surprisingly aerobic thing.  35 squats in 67 seconds.  In addition to this period of activity I also carried groceries and boxes and did a bunch of walking around to different meetings, so all in all quite an active day. 

It is annual review time at the office, that time of year when one has to create prose that makes one sound like one can walk on water without drowning while also managing to sound modest.  Because the 2013 review session was so super busy, the writing this year was easier than usual, I just hope that my last round of inspiration for my last staff member is able to spring forth early tomorrow morning so I can complete the first round and get them into the review panels on time before this week's activities get too crazy busy.

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Tackling Mini Habits 1-3

I have been reading the book Mini Habits, Smaller Habits, Bigger Results by Stephen Guise. It has been an eye opening book and it motivated me to come back to writing on my blog.  One chapter in the book asks the reader to make a list of mini habits that the reader would like to develop, and then start 2-3 of them.  I brainstormed a list of 27 ideas, then was at a loss of where to start.  Then I decided to sort them by alphabetic order and start at the top of the list.  Therefore my first three mini habits to tackle are:

1.       Be thankful for one thing-
I am thankful for the fun 3D puzzle of the Taj Mahal that I completed today.  Thanks to my friend for sending it to me for Xmas and to my friend Ping for being there for most of the construction.

2.       Blog 25 words per day-
I just did that above, and will be back each day with my thoughts.

3.       Cardio or weight lifting for 1 minute-
I did this on the elliptical machine today.  Feeling good, as that is actually day 7 of that mini habit.