New Post, New Plan
I arrived at my new assignment earlier this week and, as I usually do, I thought about how I want my life here to be the same or different from prior assignments. One of the benefits of this lifestyle is that you can use the location change to make other changes in your life. There are some things I really need to change in this assignment, and I am starting out the way I plan to continue.1. Change 1- Regular exercise and weight loss. My sister and her husband and a couple of dear friends have all inspired me to become healthier and try really hard to lose some weight. I hate struggling with travel, health, aches and pains, poor sleep patterns and snoring and many other things which are all connected to being heavy. I want to be light! I want to have lots of energy! I want to live long and prosper! I want to be healthy! I am making a plan for how to accomplish this over the next two years here, and working the plan. The first step is to get up and work out. This is relatively easy while living on compound, since the gym is easily accessible no matter what time jet lag rousts me. It will get harder once I move off compound, but I am confident I can figure out how to make it work, either through home workouts or early arrivals. Things that will help- my fitbit for feedback, my family and friends for continued motivation, this journal for tracking my struggles and successes, and my boss, colleagues and team for their understanding when I "pay myself first" and encourage them to do the same.
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