Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Mini Habits Day 3

Mini habits update:

1. Be thankful for one thing- I am thankful for the small world coincidence that reconnected me with a friend from my Japan days that I lost touch with long before email addresses and Facebook became the norm in keeping in touch. Super excited to catch up with him again.

2. Blog 25 words per day- See below.

3. Cardio or weight lifting for 1 minute- I woke up on time and energized after a great night sleep and worked out very effectively first thing in the morning.  It was awesome.

Work-life balance is a concept that has been plaguing me lately.  No matter how much I try to catch up at work, I feel like I get further and further behind.  I am not a slow worker, in fact most of my bosses have considered me quiet effective and efficient.  However I am questioning whether the leaders of my organization have a realistic expectation of what can be achieved by those who labor for them.  How to implement a system that gives those leaders feedback about the difference between what "must" be done and what is "nice to do."  Because burnout is neither nice nor efficient and things have to change.


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