Saturday, November 05, 2005

Puppy update: M&M joins the family

In June I volunteered to “dog sit” for a Siberian husky who had to come to Nepal before her Mom and Dad to avoid the summer animal shipment heat restrictions. Laika is a great dog, and having her made me think how much fun it would be to have one of my own. One day, while on my way to lunch, my thoughts of getting a dog became more real when a Nepali street dog followed me. She ended up coming home with me, and I named her Kokomo. (Read te whole story in the blog about Kokomo.) She, Laika and I quickly became fast friends. Unfortunately, nine days later Kokomo got sick and the vet gave the bad news that she was suffering from distemper. She died two days later of this horrible disease that attacks the nervous system. I was distraught, and decided to wait a while before I got another puppy.

Connie, my office mate and friend, eventually convinced me to go see some 8-week old English Springer Spaniel puppies, and after a lengthy interview and lots of playing, M&M came home with me that very day. He has been a real blessing, even though he is true to his breed and is a very mouthy puppy. He has grown so quickly, from the 6-pound bundle of puppy fur he was when I brought him home to the 21-pound bundle of dog-puppy energy that he is now. Thanks to Jennifer and Laika’s parents caring for him while I was away, I have been able to travel and not worry too much about him (though Michelle had to make puppy noises every day in India to keep me from getting homesick for him.) He recently started to lose his puppy teeth and respond to training, so I am hopeful that the worst of the puppy stage is almost behind us. Famous last words perhaps.

M&M has a whole host of puppy friends. He and I jog almost every day with Serena (of the British Embassy) and her dog Honey. He also visits Laika, Rani and other dogs for puppy play dates. He is really looking forward to visiting his “cousins” Baku, Tyka and Cooper (my sisters’ dogs) when we go home for Thanksgiving and Christmas.

Photo album links:
Laika’s Summer Camp:

