Wednesday, December 10, 2008

A visit of surprises

I just completed a fabulous visit home, and I am sitting in the airport in Paris, dreading going back to Baghdad because it was such a great trip.

The trip started as a complete surprise for my family. I needed to take an R&R trip, and the best time to go was sooner rather than later. So I packed my suitcase, made my travel arrangements and the whole time managed to keep my family and friends in the dark about my visit.

The original flight schedule had me landing in Minneapolis at noon, so I planned to drive first to Mom and Dad's house to surprise them, and then be at Marlene's house when she got home from work to surprise her family. Of course, the European weather did not cooperate with my plans, and instead of a direct flight from Amsterdam to Minneapolis, I was instead "weather delayed" onto an Amsterdam to Chicago flight and then connected into Minneapolis.

I arrived about 10 pm Friday into Minneapolis and decided that Mom and Dad were probably already in bed fast asleep, but I assumed that Mars and Rob would still be awake. I got my rental car and by 10:45 I was sitting in their driveway...but all of the lights were off. The exhausted traveler in me panicked...what if they went on vacation? what if they went out for the night? Thankfully I had my cell phone and it was easy to find out what was going on. Rob's sleepy voice answered the phone and explained that he was going hunting the next day at 3 am and they had all had an early night. I asked to talk to Mars while I walked up to the front door and just as she said "Hello?" I rang the doorbell. The next words out of her mouth were "I wonder who is at the door, our doorbell just rang! It is really late for that!" I could hear the dog barking inside the house and Mars asking Rob to "please get the door." Rob was stunned when he got to the door, and but he managed to realize that an even better surprise waited- seeing Mars' face and reaction. He opened their bedroom door and turned on the light. Mars' initial reaction was all about the sudden brightness in the room...until she could focus and realized that the person she was talking to on the phone was actually standing in front of her! Surprise #1 was a success.

I slept on their sofa that night, and Surprise #2 was the reaction of each of my nieces and my nephew. The girls were very excited and ran and jumped right up into my arms. Of course, it was only later that the oldest told me she thought I was Grammy at first. I am going to blame that on her not having her glasses on! My nephew was not thrilled to see me. That I can blame on him being only 18 months old and having seen me only infrequently. It did not take long for him to warm up to me and start happily playing with me.

I woke up to a "winter wonderland Minnesota" landscape. I had mentioned the evening before that I was looking forward to seeing snow while I was home, and Minnesota did not make me wait!

Together with Mars and the girls over breakfast we plotted Surprise #3. Mars called my parents and made arrangements to bring the kids out to see them in the afternoon. Grammy and Papa are always excited to see the grandkids, so that was an easy excuse. The girls had gymnastics until noon, and I got to go along and watch them enjoy tumbling and jumping. They did such a great job!

After gymnastics we ate lunch together and then I stopped for a brief errand at our local Target. Little did I know this would almost ruin Surprise #3. No, I did not see my Mom or Dad while there, but ran right into one of their good friends- Pat. She was on her cell phone and gave me a vague "I think I should know you but I am not completely placing you" wave as we passed each other in the main aisle. I had my oldest niece with me, and a very specific errand that needed to be completed quickly. I thought about turning back to tell Pat about the planned surprise, but decided that she would not see my parents before I did about 10 minutes later.

My niece and I planned my entrance at my parent's house. Mars and the kids were going to go in first, get my parents into the living room and my cue was going to be my niece saying "It would be great if Auntie 'Nina was here." The plan was not great except for 4 key flaws...1) I could not hear my niece through the closed door 2) my dad was in the bathtub warming up after working out in the snow and 3) Pat had already called and mentioned she thought she had seen me at Target and 4) I did not have a jacket and the wind and snow was crazy cold outside while I waited. Thus, it was my Mom who brought up the call from Pat, and not my niece. I barged in at the point when my fingers started turning blue. And my dad heard all of the commotion of my Mom and her happy tears that he figured it all out before he even got out of the bathtub. Surprise #3- a partial success.

(The funny part of the Pat phone mom and Pat had talked about a week earlier and Mom had told her I would not be home until March. Thus, Pat's call really confused my Mom, especially when Pat mentioned that the "Mel at Target" had had a kid with her. Mom commented that "Mel definitely does not have a kid!" In some ways, it made my arrival and even better surprise.)

Throughout the various travel delays and surprises, I had been posting cryptic comments on my Facebook page. When I logged in, my friend Tammi had asked about the meaning of my comments. I told her that it was too long a story to type about (which I am thinking again as I type and re-tye this whole account thanks to a technical glitch). I used the time difference and finding a time to call her as an excuse for finding out her work schedule. Surprise #4 was complete when I showed up at her work place to say hello. There were more happy tears!

The looks on everyone's faces was well worth the effort to kepe my mouth closed in the three weeks leading up to the visit. I don't know that I will ever get to surprise them in the same way, and it was fun.


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